Monday, April 16, 2012

Pounce/Ravage macro help

I was wondering if anyone had any working macros to pounce if stealthed or ravage if unstealthed. I have tried a few but nothing seems to work.

Ravage requires stealth. Ravage! requires feral charge and the talent. I'd recommend a feral charge/ravage! castsequence macro so it's one button, 2 presses.
The above poster is correct. I use 2 macros for this purpose....

#showtooltip [stealth] Ravage; Mangle(Cat Form)
/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); [stealth] Ravage; Mangle(Cat Form)


/cast [nostance:1/3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [stance:1,@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][stance:1,@target] Feral Charge(Bear Form); [@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][@target] Feral Charge(Cat Form)
/cast [stance:3] Ravage!

Note: Errors saying you are not in range will print in your log, this won't stop the macro from working properly. I largely prefer a few errors to print to my combat log then to use a cast sequence which tend to cause more problems then they are worth.

For your use, the following should work...

/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); [stealth] Pounce(Cat Form); Feral Charge(Cat Form)
/cast Ravage!

Edit: Tested, confirmed to work. If your wondering...
#1 This will shift you into cat form if you are not in cat form.
#2 This will prowl if you are out of combat
#3 If you are prowling, this will pounce
#4 If you are in combat, this will cast charge and then ravage. It has a 10 seconds reset to match the Stampede buff.

Edit: Some update to the syntax.... I can still see a few problems, I will update again later tomorow after... a good night of sleeeep..................
/cast [nostealth, nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl(Cat Form)
/castsequence [stealth] Pounce(Cat Form); reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage(Cat Form)

I tried this, if I'm in combat and hit the FC part, it jumps to the mob but then when I hit the button again for Ravage, it says that I have to be in prowl mode. I have talent into stampede so I shouldn't need to be in prowl mode. How do you fix that?
Antonioklaus, use "Ravage!" without the quotes instead of "ravage(cat form). In order to use Stampede procs you need to list it that way. All the (cat form) stuff can be deleted its unneeded. As for the OP, not entirely sure why you would want pounce and ravage on a single button. I generally mix Ravage/Shred and Pounce/Mangle. My Ravage/Shred macro makes use of the Ctrl mod to use Ravage with a stampede proc. Those macros also stealth me when im not in combat. They look like this:

/cast [mod:ctrl] Ravage!
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] !Prowl
/cast [stealth] !Ravage; [stance:3] Shred

/cast [nocombat,nostealth] !Prowl
/cast [stealth] Pounce; [stance:3] Mangle

/cast [nostealth, nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl(Cat Form)
/castsequence reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage(Cat Form)

I like this, but how would I make it so when I'm in bear form, I feral charge (bear).

So every other form is go cat-> stealth except bear?
/cast [nostealth, nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl(Cat Form)
/castsequence reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage(Cat Form)

I like this, but how would I make it so when I'm in bear form, I feral charge (bear).

So every other form is go cat-> stealth except bear?

/cast [stance:1] Feral Charge(Bear form)

Just add that at the bottom or something. My macro for Feral charge looks like this

/cast [stance:1] Feral Charge(Bear Form); [stance:3] Feral Charge(Cat Form); !Cat Form

If I am in any form besides Cat or Bear. It shifts me to cat.
Seems kind of odd to macro Pounce and Ravage together. Both require stealth and they perform different functions. It makes much more sense to macro Pounce with Maim (both are stuns, one requires stealth and the other one doesn't) and Ravage with Shred (both are positional CP generators, one requires stealth and the other one doesn't).

I use a castsequence macro for Feral Charge into a Stampede-procced Ravage. That way I can simply hit the same button twice and get off both the charge and the free Ravage.
Sorry, I see an error slipped through. I wasen't aware of the ! when I wrote those. I'll go edit that....

Your right that (Cat Form) is not needed. I just tend to use the full lenght names unless I have actual need to reduce the character count to fit within the 255 char limit of a macro.
Just about all macros will work both inline and on several lines with proper conditions.

I beleive this is what you wanted. I did not test this macro. I usualy test everything I code, but this one will have to wait until at least tomorow. I'm too tired. I'm going to update this again tomorow.

/castsequence [nostance:1/3] Cat Form; [stance:3, nocombat, nostealth] Prowl; [stance:1] Feral Charge(Bear Form); [stealth] Pounce; reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage!

Edit: Made some corrections.
Ok, made some corrections and a few tests. I believe it should work properly now. I'm going to reword the first few I posted into a single line.

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