Saturday, April 14, 2012

Don't get lost in the details. Have fun!


I'm sure my being only level 75 will be made an issue but... I have had this toon for years. I leveled to 60 as a feral, healed lvl 60 end game content as a resto, level 60-70 as feral again, and at 70 in BC started getting into tanking for the first time. I spent the lastr two years off of wow. Anyways, I'm back!

I just wanted to say that I have never paid any attention to class/spec nerfs or buffs. Other players have always told me things like oh your spec is OP now, oh you got nerfed, oh bears suck at tanking, blah blah blah. Through all the ups and downs I have been riding that wave of nerfs/buffs and player opinion. It doesn't matter to me whether I am at the crest or the trough of the wave, its all surfing to me. I love playing druid, and its the player, not the latest patch, that makes or breaks the class.

I am tanking right now because I am enjoying taking a leadership role in groups and biting things in the face. I will be doing the same post patch. If I didn't visit these forums I probably wouldn't even notice the "nerf". I would be too busy RAWRing, charging, worrying about aggro, and having a blast. I have a tendency to ramble, as you can see, but my point is this... have fun, play for the sake of playing, enjoy what you do, and don't get lost in the details. Have fun!

For nature,
heartless, witless nature
will neither know
nor care

-AE Housman

If Arena is no longer fun for you do the intelligent thing and move on. Maybe golf or model trains or some other hobby is for you. Instead of "walking in another's shoes" use your own to move on. It's all about your happiness not others. It sounds selfish but what you find is the happier you are the more you are able to benefit others. The day I stop enjoying this class will be the day I cancel my account, and unless you know me in-game you will never now. Blizzard will know because they will take the massive 15 dollar hit to their bank account. How they will get by without me I just can't say. But there will be no resentment on my part. Playing this game, for me, has been a blessing, and I appreciate all the hard work everyone at blizzard puts in to keep things going.

"Holding onto resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting someone else to die." - Buddha

Best wishes to you and all WoW players.

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